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At Rustybelle Farms, our commitment to quality and ethical farming practices sets us apart in the world of pork production.


What makes our product truly exceptional?


Holistic Farming Approach: Our pigs live a life of genuine well-being. They graze on lush pastures year-round, indulging in a natural diet that includes mixed grasses, legumes, and herbs. The attention we put into their daily nutrition and care shines through in the superior taste and quality of our pork.


Farrow to Finish Operation: We're not just farmers; we're caregivers. From the moment a piglet is born, we nurture it every step of the way. Unlike industry standards, our piglets remain with their mothers for an extended period, 12-14 weeks, allowing for optimal growth, exposure, and socialization. This approach eliminates the stress of early weaning and contributes to the overall well-being of both piglets and sows.


Lifestyle and Environment: Our pigs thrive in large, social groups. We believe in keeping our animals connected, never isolating any one pig from the others. This enriching environment contributes to their contentment and reflects in the quality of our meat.


Nutritional Excellence: Pasture-raised pork from Rustybelle Farms offers nutritional benefits that are unparalleled. The meat is naturally higher in antioxidants, contains twice the vitamin E compared to conventionally raised pork, and boasts higher levels of selenium. Our pork is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, surpassing even beef or pork from feedlots. The marbling throughout the dark red meat gives it exceptional flavor, tenderness, and juiciness, while the low melting point of the fat ensures a melt-in-your-mouth experience.


Commitment to Transparency: We take pride in raising our pigs without hormones and steering clear of soy and corn-based diets. We prioritize their well-being, and that means taking the time to raise them at a natural pace. Our Idaho Pasture Pigs and Kune Kunes receive the care and attention they deserve, resulting in a truly superior product.


Partnerships with USDA Licensed Facilities: Our dedication to quality extends to our partnerships with USDA licensed processing facilities. We ensure that every step of the process, from raising to processing, maintains the highest standards of quality and care.


Proof in the Meat: Our patience, care, and dedication to ethical farming practices are evident in the flavor, texture, and overall experience of our pork. It's not just pork; it's the embodiment of our values and the embodiment of the phrase "you are what you eat."


Rustybelle Farms stands for more than just a product; it represents a way of life that honors the animals, the land, and the well-being of our customers. When you choose our pasture-raised pork, you're choosing a piece of the pure, honest goodness that defines Rustybelle Farms.

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